Autumn is already here – Winter is waiting to cover gently the countryside with snow .. What´s better than to sit back in front of the fireplace and enjoy some relaxed tunes? I found some great tunes from artists from all over the world.
- Initio [Stan Dart]
- Calm Waters [Snee]
- Escape [Sergey Cheremisinov]
- Rewound [Chris Zabriskie]
- A Place In Time [Mark Dorricott]
- Beautiful Space [Unknown]
- Collapsar [Cousin Silas]
- Somatou [Kakurenbo]
- Everybody Move [Butterbox]
- North Sea [Frame]
- Voyage In The Night [Nameless Dancers]
- Apollo Wakes [Shatterfreak]
- Vale [Stan Dart]
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